Ocode support
When they leave the factory, Douze Cycles bikes are marked with a unique, permanent label that identifies them. What information does it contain?

The Bicicode number
This is a unique marking consisting of 10 characters beginning with BC. It is compulsory in France, statutory and enables the owner and his bike to be registered in the Fichier National Unique des Cycles Identifiés (FNUCI). It is the dealer who registers the bike with the customer at the time of sale.
The O°code
In add Douze Cycles offers you O°code services for your bike. By activating this unique code, you benefit from a free premium service throughout the life of your Douze Cycles bike, giving you access to your bike's digital safe.
The features
of O°code
Identification and documents
You will find all the identification information and documents relating to your Douze Cycles bike, such as the serial numbers or the invoice.
History of your bike
You can access the life history of your bike, from production to destruction, including all stages of maintenance. This is proof of regular maintenance and a major advantage when it comes to resale.
Anti-theft protection
You protect your Douze Cycles bike from loss or theft. You can be contacted by the police or a private individual if your bike is found.
Technical tips
You will receive information and technical advice directly from Douze Cycles on how to best maintain your bike.
Activate your bike’s digital safe
Download the O°code app on Google Play or App Store.
Scan the Ocode on the label of your Douze Cycles bike.
Enter the activation key (8 characters) from the O°code ownership certificate delivered with your bike.
The digital safe for your Douze Cycles bike is activated in the Ocode application.

Invoices, warranty, etc.
To go
Douze Cycles may send you advice and technical information about your bike, directly in the O°code app messaging system. This may concern a component update, safety information or a product recall. This message service has no commercial purpose. The O°code service complies with RGPD recommendations and only concerns the Douze Cycles bike without ever collecting any personal data on its owner.